EWRS Workshop: Our path after Covid-19

WG Invasive Plants Workshop

Palic, Serbia, 23rd to 24th of September 2021

Our first meeting after Covid-19 will be a workshop and focus on our new pathway

The Invasive Plants Working Group of EWRS invites you to the

Workshop 'Our path after covid-19'
September 23-24, 2021
Palic, Serbia

We are today in a totally changing world due to pandemic and unbelievable advances in technology and science. There are many questions born from the current situation.
In the last two years, we moved less, even we become more independent to online life including our daily habits. Climate change is still threating all world with its predicted and unpredictable results. Unmanned vehicles, robots and robotics are becoming part of our life more and more day by day. Artificial intelligence and other related issues invading our life and occupying our jobs/works as well.

The questions for our WG are how invasive alien plants will behave, how will we proceed to deal with invasive alien plants, how much new advancements mentioned above will affect our subjects, so on. Our first meeting after Covid-19 will be a workshop and focus on our new pathway.

The meeting will accept presentations on two main areas: One is advancements and history of invasive alien plants, their control, policies, and science. The second one will be what can be our contribution to sustain world with our works on invasive alien plants and how can we include new advancements in our works.

We will have brainstorming sessions to be more active in weed science and invasion science activities. We hope that we can come up with some common projects and activities to find out our path together.

Please send your abstracts (max. 250 words) to Ahmet at ahuludag@yahoo.com (subject: “Palic abstract”) not later than September 1, 2021. Please find the abstract template HERE.

We are aware that this is very short notice. We believe most of you can contribute to workshop to reach its aim without a presentation because brainstorming sessions will give chance all of us to express ourselves.

Palic is a small town in Vojvodina, Serbia. We think that this peaceful environment will help us to have a healthy meeting.

The fee for workshop will be € 50 and will be paid at side.

There will be support from EWRS for early career scientists. Rules will be announced soon. Plese find the subsidy application form HERE.

We hope see you all in Palic.


Invasive Plants WG, EWRS

Please find here the PDF of the communication.