EWRS Training session “Confirming and characterizing herbicide resistance” @IWSC in Bangkok

Bangkok, Thailand, 4th of December 2022

Training session in occasion of the International Weed Science Congress in Bangkok

The EWRS Education & Training Working group is organizing a pre-congress workshop on herbicide resistance before the IWSC 2022 in Bangkok (Thailand). This free half day workshop will introduce students and researchers to methods and considerations for the identification, sampling, confirmation and characterization of evolved herbicide resistance in weed populations.

The aim of the workshop is to provide attendees with an overview of the steps required to identify, confirm and manage herbicide resistance. Specific areas covered will include identifying and sampling suspected resistant populations, methods for surveying herbicide resistance at various scales, whole plant resistance assays and resistance testing methods, dose response analysis and statistics, resistance diagnostics and identifying mechanisms of resistance We will use our experience of working with blackgrass (Alopecurus myosuroides) to provide some real-world examples, though we anticipate that the methods discussed will be relevant to all weed species with suspected herbicide resistance. After an introduction on the different topics, the workshop will be focused on practical approaches aiming to identify and characterize herbicide resistant populations in a day to day work. 

Prof. Dr. Paul Neve (Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen)
Dr. Roland Beffa (Senior Scientist Consultant, Germany)

Date of the workshop: December 4st 2022, time tba 
Duration of the course: approx. 4 hours 

Course Organizers
Prof. Dr. Hüsrev Mennan, EWRS Scientific Secretary (Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey)
Dr. Lena Ulber, Chair of the EWRS Working Group Education & Training (Julius Kuehn-Institute, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Do Soon Kim, IWSS Vice-President (Seoul National University, Korea)

Fees and costs
There is no fee to attend the course which will be limited to a maximum of 25 attendees. 

Please send your registration by e-mail to Lena Ulber (lena.ulber@julius-kuehn.de) and Husrev Mennan (hmennan@omu.edu.tr) until 15th October 2022 with the course application form attached.

=> Course application form

=> Download announcement